Provident Housing takes immense pleasure in announcing the biggest festival of the season, Mega Online Home Fest! The fest offers savings upto Rs.12,00,000* on our premium homes, a ‘never-before’ deal to help you get your dream home at a dream price! We suggest you purchase an early-bird voucher worth Rs.999 (100% refundable if not used) before 16th October to avail our ‘privileged customer’ benefits:

  • Instant additional cashback of Rs.1,00,000 (over and above the special offer price)
  • On-spot loan approval from L&T Financial Services*
  • On-priority site visit booking

Arrive at Mega Online Home Fest as per your convenience as it is a full-fledged ONLINE HOME FEST giving you a chance to own a Provident Home, in just a click. To make your festive season bigger and brighter, we have handpicked the projects at the most in-demand micro-markets and have offered savings up to Rs.12,00,000* on these homes.

The offer price will be revealed on 18th October 2019 @00:00 hours on our website. To avail the voucher benefit you must select and book an apartment online through our innovative online home booking platform, BOOK MY HOME between 18th October 00:00 to 20th 0ctober 23:59 hours. The offer is valid for some specially chosen projects across Bengaluru, Chennai, Coimbatore, Goa and Hyderabad.

Here is how you can book your dream home-

Step 1- Go to and click on the project of your choice.

Step 2- Click on BOOK MY HOME to take a virtual tour of the property.

Step 3- Select your preferred apartment from the available selection.

Step 4- Book your home by making an online payment of just Rs.2,00,000. Don’t forget to apply your voucher code at the time of booking to get an instant additional cashback of Rs. 1,00,000.

*T&C apply

We equip our projects with the best of all global brands and are renowned across the country for our timely delivery of projects and empathetic customer service. We assure you that we will make for excellent home partners.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your own little place to celebrate, a place with new beginnings, a place made of love and dreams. This year, BRING DIWALI HOME!

Choose your project today!
