India’s construction sector is currently experiencing unprecedented growth, which necessitates the implementation of sustainable practices. The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) certification programme provides developers a framework to demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility and obtain substantial benefits.

An understanding of the IGBC Rating System

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) India, the IGBC’s green building rating system, is a comprehensive tool for assessing a building’s performance in various environmental categories. These categories include site selection and planning, water management, energy efficiency, materials and resources, interior environment quality, and innovation. The primary goals of site selection and planning are to reduce construction’s environmental impact and encourage efficient land use. Water management aims to reduce water consumption by utilising efficient fixtures, harvesting precipitation, and treating effluent. Utilising energy-efficient appliances, optimising building envelope design, and integrating renewable energy sources such as solar panels are all hallmarks of energy efficiency. The materials and resources category encourages sustainable product lifecycles, minimises construction waste, and promotes using locally sourced or recycled materials. By regulating thermal comfort, adequate ventilation, and natural daylighting, the indoor environment ensures occupants’ health and well-being. Innovation encourages the use of state-of-the-art “green” technologies and methodologies. Buildings accumulate points based on their performance in these categories, determining their certification status: Platinum, Gold, Silver, or LEED Certified.

The benefits of IGBC certification

There are numerous benefits that developers can look forward to if they pursue IGBC certification. IGBC-certified buildings provide substantial long-term operational cost reductions even though the initial investment in green building features may be higher. Improved material selection and construction practices can lower maintenance costs, whereas reduced energy and water consumption are associated with lower utility bills. IGBC certification is a valuable differentiator for developers, as there is an increasing demand for sustainable spaces and ready-to-move apartments. Research suggests green structures are more profitable due to higher rents and quicker occupancy rates. The Indian government provides a variety of incentives to encourage the construction of green structures, such as tax rebates, subsidies, and expedited approvals. These incentives render IGBC certification even more financially appealing to developers. By demonstrating their commitment to sustainability, developers can establish a favourable brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious investors and tenants. IGBC-certified buildings provide occupants a more relaxing and healthier work or residential environment, increasing occupancy and retention. IGBC certification assists developers in safeguarding their investments in the future as environmental regulations become more stringent and the demand for sustainable buildings increases.

The Influence of IGBC on India

In recent years, the registration and certification of a growing number of green construction initiatives has resulted in substantial growth for the IGBC. As of March 2024, the IGBC has registered more than 8.2 billion square feet of aggregate floor area under its green building ratings. This substantial increase underscores the increasing acceptance of sustainable construction practices. By 2024, IGBC programmes will have certified more than 80,000 green buildings. This accelerated growth suggests a market for sustainable spaces and a strong commitment from developers. We anticipate that IGBC-certified buildings will have conserved more than 48 billion kWh of energy and 330 billion litres of water by 2024. These staggering numbers highlight the significant environmental advantages of green construction. The estimate that the green building sector in India will generate over 10 lakh crore (US$132 billion) in revenue by 2024 underscores the economic potential of sustainable construction and its contribution to job creation.

Overcoming obstacles

Despite the apparent advantages, IGBC certification has its obstacles, including the initial investment cost and the necessity of technical expertise during the design and construction phases. Nonetheless, developers can effectively resolve these challenges by raising awareness and increasing resource availability. Several government agencies and financial institutions provide green building loans and subsidies, thereby increasing the economic accessibility of IGBC certification. The IGBC offers diverse resources and training programs that provide developers with the necessary expertise and abilities to complete the certification process.

New developments in green construction

Smart buildings, net-zero buildings, and wellness-focused design are exciting trends in the Indian green building sector. Intelligent buildings incorporate technology to enhance energy management, occupant comfort, and building operations. The operational energy consumption of net-zero structures is satisfied by generating an adequate amount of renewable energy. Wellness-focused design creates structures that enhance its inhabitants’ well-being by providing them access to verdant spaces, natural light, and improved air quality. Developers can differentiate themselves and meet the changing needs of homebuyers, whether in compact urban housing or high-demand markets like flats in Mumbai, by staying informed about these trends and integrating them into their projects.

In India, the prospects for green building are promising

The Indian construction industry’s future is definitely green. Several factors will contribute to the continued success of the IGBC certification programme as it evolves and gains traction. Maintaining support for green buildings through regulations and incentives will be essential. Increased public awareness of the benefits of green buildings will lead to a greater demand for sustainable spaces, especially ready-to-move apartments. Developers, policymakers, and the public can establish IGBC certification as the standard by collaborating, thereby fostering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment in India.

The IGBC certification presents a compelling value proposition for developers in India. By adopting sustainability, developers can not only benefit from cost reductions, improved marketability, and government incentives but also contribute to a more sustainable future for the country.