There’s something magical about nature. It’s soothing to the soul and works wonders for one’s overall well-being – physical, mental, and emotional. This New Year, here are some activities you can enjoy outdoors while staying connected to nature. Spending a few hours in your neighbourhood park or a nearby scenic spot can enhance your fitness levels, strengthen your relationships, and make you a happier, more confident person. Pick your favourite activity from the following list.

    1. Enjoy A Picnic

Plan a picnic with your friends and family in the neighbourhood park or a picnic spot in the vicinity and enjoy the warmth of the winter sun. Along with relishing mouthwatering food, you can play some fun games like Scrabble, Ludo, Frisbee, Skipping, etc. This will keep you physically active and flex your mental muscles.

    1. Go For Walking or Jogging

Walking and jogging are excellent exercises; they feel even better when you choose a green area instead of a busy street. Make these a part of your daily routine, and you will enjoy a healthier heart and lungs, stronger bones, weight loss, better management of hypertension and diabetes, prevention of osteoporosis, etc. It also increases your alertness and a feeling of positivity.
Walking for 30 minutes at least five days a week is more than enough. If you can’t spare half an hour at one go, try splitting it into shorter walks (10 minutes three times a day).

    1. Be A Water Baby

Swimming is not only one of the best exercises for the whole body, it also washes away your blues and weariness after a hard day at work. Instead of an indoor pool, try and hit an outdoor one; it will be double the joy!

    1. Discover Your Green Thumb

Try growing flowers, veggies, and fruits on your balcony/terrace/backyard. It has multiple benefits. To begin with, exposure to sunlight will ensure an adequate amount of Vitamin D. It will also help you enjoy the beauty and taste of pesticide-free, organic flowers, veggies, and fruits.
Gardening is also said to boost mental health. If you have enough space, you can add a bird bath to your home garden. Creating compost is an excellent waste management method and will give you free, natural fertilisers.

    1. Go Camping Under the Stars

There is something refreshing and rejuvenating about camping with your loved ones under starlit skies. Plan an occasional camping expedition with your group of friends. You can also try this if you have a backyard or a garden at home.

    1. Experience the Joy of Kayaking/Fishing

Being near water bodies is extremely beneficial for physical and mental well-being. It is said to enhance brain health and physical activity, lend a feeling of absolute relaxation, remove stress and even improve your social skills. If you don’t know how to swim, try kayaking or fishing instead. The gentle sound of the lapping of the waves and rustling leaves will calm your mind.

    1. Celebrate Your Sporty Side 

How about playing your favourite sport with your family and buddies? Cricket, Football, Basketball, Tennis…the list is endless. Playing sports has multiple physical benefits. It also boosts your mental well-being by reducing stress, combating depression, boosting self-confidence, and even improving your sleep cycle. It’s perfect for weekends.

    1. Explore Nature Photography or Painting in the Outdoors

If rigorous physical activity does not interest you, here are other equally rewarding pursuits. Nature photography is one such activity. Spend blissful hours immersed in the beauty of nature around you and freeze them forever on your camera. You can also try painting outdoors. An exotic location or the neighbourhood garden – you can try this anywhere.  Art is therapeutic, and it can work wonders for your mental health. It is also known to enhance the overall quality of your life.

    1. Zumba in the Park

Exercising indoors can get monotonous. So, how about trying out in the open, enjoying the cool breeze and chirping of birds? Be it Yoga, Aerobics, or Zumba, take it outdoors – the lawn of your residential complex, neighbourhood park, or a nearby open area…the options are many. Try convincing some friends to join you as well; that will double the fun. You can also meditate in the open if you can find a quiet corner somewhere.

    1. Cycling Is Cool

If you know cycling, devote at least half an hour daily to it. Try it early in the morning, when streets are empty, and the world has not yet fully woken up from its slumber. It will recharge your batteries for the entire day. Cycling is said to prevent heart attack, stroke, some types of cancers, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and obesity.

Step Out, Step Up
Which of the above is your favourite outdoor activity? Try to include it in your daily life as much as possible. A healthy lifestyle is easy to follow, provided you have the willpower and determination to be consistent. This New Year, make new, healthy beginnings. Step out and step up your overall fitness quotient!